Thursday, February 2, 2012

First Day of School...Again

Will started Kindergarten again this last Tuesday. We were excited to enroll him out here. Minnesota schools are rumored to be among the best, so we hope he enjoys it! He couldn't wait to ride the bus for the first time. Since the bus stop is just a couple doors down from us, I was able to snap some pictures of him. It was harder than I thought putting him on that bus. He still doesn't seem old enough. I wonder if he ever will...

Here is a little shot of our townhome too. (Don't mind the full garbage) We are pretty settled in! The ward members and my parents and brother were terrific and got us unpacked rather quickly. The people out here are great and we are enjoying ourselves. I got a calling our first week at church even. We are excited to make Woodbury our home for a short while!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Post pics of the inside!! I've been dying to see it!