Thursday, April 16, 2009

A little angry...

So the past little while I've heard of a lot of people going private. I didn't understand why, until my good friend Tonya clued me in. She said she had watched Oprah that day about child predators and decided it was time to go private. Well... I do record Oprah and watch it occassionally, so I turned it on while I cleaned this morning. Seriously, how sick is our world becoming?? The scary thing is that it doesn't happen just to kids in big inner cities, or kids in severly low-income neighborhoods...its happening everywhere. While I believe the internet can be such a great tool, I am saddened (and a little angry) at how its misused. Doesn't there come a time when enough children have been assaulted that the government steps in and regulates the filth that's passed along? Isn't there a button the techies at Microsoft can click to turn off pornography all together? :) I optimistically hope that one day the internet will be a clean place for society to use. Understanding agency though, I will educate my children from when they are young and in the mean time...I too will be going private. I'll get everyone on my list invitations emailed out. Send me your email if you would like one and you are not on my list already!


Jeni said...

P.S. Thank you for the heads-up Tonya!

Tonya said...

ha ha anytime! I totally agree! I think it's going to take people like us outwardly pushing towards cleaning up the internet to create a change. It makes me so sick to hear on TV when people act like pornography is a part of everyday life and an acceptable part. It's so demmoralizing to women and children and should be banned. Let's think of ways we can actually put a halt to problems like this and protect our kids every way possible.
Have a wonderful trip in Arizona! Can't wait to see you..

Lily said...

Joe & Lara said...

send me one- i love keeping in touch with you!

have a great week! :)